Argot Studio 由爱尔兰设计师 Eimear Ryan 于 2018 年创立,是一家位于巴黎的设计工作室,提供 3D 打印、可持续制作的收藏品,旨在提升任何空间。 Argot 的风格目标是超越季节性、趋势并持续代代相传。这些系列表达了平衡和考虑,将极简、永恒的设计与高品质的生物材料融合在一起。
从野蛮主义的人造建筑与自然界中存在的有机形式和形状之间的对比中汲取灵感,Argot Studio 的作品既包含诗意又深思熟虑的演绎。
Argot 的核心系列包括标志性的花瓶、雕塑和器皿,这些都是 Argot 经典款式的特点,具有多功能性。
Argot Studio 的作品在法国巴黎设计和生产。

Digital Craftsmanship
3D printing is an innovative production method enabling sustainable and flexible production. Based on digital instruction, a 3D printer heated nozzle moves in three dimensions depositing successive layers of fused material. That progressive deposition of material ends up, after several hours of digital work, forming an Argot piece.
To make our pieces, we use exclusively bio-sourced material, from corn or sugarcane starch. In addition, more that 70% of the material we use is recycled from food packaging in the European Union. The material we use is biodegradable in a controlled environment.

Unique Production Method
Taking advantage of 3D printing, our design process starts with hand drawing each object. Then, the sketch is 3D modeled and further optimized using a dedicated software turning the 3D model into instruction for our machines. We optimize our production process to limit energy consumption and waste.
This unique production method enables Argot Studio to produce locally in Paris and create high quality design pieces. We explore various shapes, textures, materials and parameters to craft unique design pieces with various properties, from clear, light and aerial pieces with unique reflection to sturdy, architectural and textured pieces.